Friends of Jacksonville Playgrounds is seeking funds to benefit a new, inclusive playground for Ringhaver Park, located at 5198 118th Street Jacksonville, FL 32244.
This playground has been thoughtfully designed to incorporate children, t'weens and adults of all abilities in stimulating, challenging play. This is Friends of Jacksonville Playgrounds second inclusive playground renovation in partnership with the City of Jacksonville. The first was the new Huffman Park playground located on the east side off of Beach Blvd. Now, we want the west side of Jacksonville to have access to a destination playground that offers the same level of inclusion and fun.
Ringhaver playground has been sorely neglected over the past few years and is now locked up behind a chained fence because it's too dangerous. This playground is in the heart of one of the City of Jacksonville's municipal parks, with high traffic from the families who are part of the Westside Soccer Club and United Soccer Alliance.
This new playground deserves more than plain old wood fiber mulch!
Help us raise enough funds to install a smooth rubber surface that makes it even easier to walk or roll.
$195k is what we need to make that happen.
Can you help?
Copyright © 2023 Friends of Jacksonville Playgrounds - All Rights Reserved.
A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Delores Barr Weaver Legacy Fund
Christine Nichols Charitable Fund
Clontz Family Charitable Fund
Pamela Telis
Elizabeth Wells Smith
Salvation Army-Southern Fund